1. Applications of Mutations in the Derived Categories of Weighted Projective Lines to Lie and Quantum Algebras, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN Vol. 2020, No. 19, 5814–5871 (与阮诗佺、肖杰合作).
2. Hall polynomials for tame type, J. Algebra 475 (2017), 171-206 (与阮诗佺合作).
3. A Double Hall Algebra Approach to Affine Quantum Schur-Weyl Theory, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Series, 401, Cambridge University Press, 2012 (与杜杰 和付强合作).
4. Finite Dimensional Algebras and Quantum Groups, Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, no. 150, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, 2008 (与杜杰、Brian Parshall 和王建磐合作).
5. Frobenius morphisms and representations of algebras, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 358 (2006), 3591-3622 (与杜杰合作).
6. Monomial bases for quantum affine sln, Adv. Math. 191 (2005), 276-304 (与杜杰合作).
7. A new approach to Kac's theorem on representations of valued quivers, Math. Zeit. 245 (2003), 183-199 (与肖杰合作).
8. On a problem of Nazarova and Roiter, Comm. Math. Helvetici 75 (2000), 368-409.