English 清华大学 旧版入口 人才招聘


Lecture: "On the classification of Willmore 2-spheres in S^n"

TitleOn the classification of Willmore 2-spheres in S^n

Speaker:王鹏 教授 (同济大学)

Time4:00 p.m., Apr. 12, 2012

PlaceConference Room A304, Department of Mathematical Sciences


In this talk, we will give a brief discussion on the recent joint work with Prof. J. Dorfmeister. First we will try to derive a framework to do with Willmore surfaces by use of Loop group methods. Then by deforming the work of Burstall-Guest on harmonic 2-spheres, we give a rough classification of Willmore 2-spheres in S^n. In the end we discuss the different properties of Willmore 2-spheres and provide some new examples.