English 清华大学 旧版入口 人才招聘


A loop method for minimal surfaces in the three-dimensional Heisenberg group

报告题目:A loop method for minimal surfaces in the three-dimensional Heisenberg group

报告人:Josef Dorfmeister(德国慕尼黑技术大学)



摘要:We characterize constant curvature surfaces in three-dimensional Heisenberg group by a family of flat connections on the trivial bundle $D\times GL_2(\mathbb{C})$ over a simply connected domain $D$ in the complex plane. In particular for minimal surfaces, we give an immersion formula, the so-called Sym-formula, and a generalized Weierstrass type representation via the loop group method.

报告人简介:Josef Dorfmeister教授是国际微分几何,特别是复齐性凯勒流形、等参超曲面、调和映射等领域的著名专家。他与Franz Pedit教授、吴宏友教授创立的DPW方法被广泛应用于常中曲率曲面、pluriharmonic maps等的构造。他是国际上可积系统在微分几何中应用这一领域的主要开拓者之一。
