English 清华大学 旧版入口 人才招聘


The master field on the plane

报告题目:The master field on the plane

报告人:Thierry Levy (巴黎六大)



摘要:The Yang-Mills field on the plane is a collection of random matrices indexed by the set of loops based at the origin on the plane. These matrices belong to a fixed compact group, for example the unitary group U(N), and the Yang-Mills field can be thought of as a random unitary representation of the group of rectifiable loops on the plane, the group operation being concatenation. I will describe the large N limit of this random reprensentation, in particular the fact that it converges almost surely towards a deterministic limit. This limit, which is an instance of what physicists call the master field, takes the form of a plain deterministic real-valued function on the set of loops. This function can be computed by a recursive algorithm based on the so-called Makeenko-Migdal equations, which are a graphical translation of the algebraic structure of freeness.

报告人简介:Thierry Levy教授,现任法国巴黎六大教授,曾在法国CNRS(Strasbourg)和巴黎高师任职。主要研究领域包括Yang-Mills测度,随机过程、随机场,紧Lie群中的热核问题等。
