Time:8:30 — 12:15am, June 29
Place:Room A404, Department of Mathematical Sciences,TsinghuaUniv.
Speaker:Prof. Wenming Zou
Title:Introduction to math department of Tsingua University(介绍数学系)
Speaker:Prof. Tsuyoshi Kato
Title:Introduction to math department atKyotoUniversityand my research
Abstract:He will present an introduction to math department atKyotoUniversity, and his research about Hamiltonian deformation of groups acting on trees, which involves moduli theory of holomorphic curves into infinite dimensional Kaehlermanifolds.
Speaker:Prof.Jie Xiao
Title:Derived category, Hall algebra and Quantum group
10:00-10:15Tea Break
Speaker:Prof.Akihiko Yukie
Title:Prehomogeneous vector spaces and number theory
Abstract:In this talk, he will talk about how orbits of prehomogeneous vector spaces parametrizes interesting arithmetical objects and discuss some related counting problems and zeta function theory.
Speaker:Associate Prof. Hui Ma
Title:Alexandrov theorem and evolution method
Abstract:The classical Alexandrov theorem states that any closed embedded constant mean curvature hypersurface in the Euclidean space $\mathbb{R}^{n+1}$ is a round sphere. There are different interesting proofs and it can be generalized to constant mean curvature hypersurfaces in real space forms, the product spaces $\mathbb{S}_{+}^2(\kappa)\times \mathbb{R}$ or $\mathbb{H}^2(-\kappa)\times \mathbb{R}$, or certain warped product manifolds. In this talk we will apply evolution method introduced recently by S. Brendle to show an Alexandrov type theorem for hypersurfaces with constant anisotropic mean curvature in the Euclidean space. Then we will mention a related open problem.
Speaker:Prof.Yoshio Tsutsumi
Title:Stochastic nonlinear dispersive equations
Abstract:Recently, stochastic nonlinear dispersive equations have been attracting many mathematicians.The dispersive equation is an evolution equation, which is neither Kowalevskian nor parabolic.He takes the stochastic Zakharov equations as an example and I explain what the problem is like and what is difficult about the problem.
Speaker:Ken-Ichi Yoshikawa
Title:Resultants and Borcherds Phi-function
Abstract:It is known that the classical Dedekind eta-function admits several distinct expressions.In this talk, after recalling an algebraic expression of the Dedekind eta-function due essentially to Jacobi, I will explain similar algebraic expression for the Borcherds Phi-function.