报告题目: Extension of the Debye-Lorenz-Mie Formalism for Electromagnetic Scattering to the Time Domain
报告人:Prof.Shidong Jiang(蒋世东)NJIT,USA
摘要:The explicit solution to the scattering problem of time dependent Maxwellequations on a sphere is derived. The derivation of the explicit solution isbased on a generalization of Debye potentials for the time harmonic case andreduces the problem to two scalar wave problems - one with the Dirichletcondition and the other with the Robin condition. A high-order and stablenumerical scheme is constructed to evaluate the solution at an arbitrary pointr outside the unit sphere at any time t > 0, without marching in the wholespace-time domain. Several numerical examples are presented to illustrate
the performance of the algorithm. The solution can be served as a referencefor checking the accuracy of other numerical methods. More importantly,it will provide some insight towards better integral equation formulationsfor the wave equation and time-dependent Maxwell equations in a generaldomain.This is joint work with Leslie Greengard at Courant Institute of New York University and Thomas Hagstrom at Southern Methodist University.