English 清华大学 旧版入口 人才招聘


G-equation in the modeling of turbulent flame speed

报告题目: G-equation in the modeling of turbulent flame speed.

报告人:Yifeng Yu(U.C. Irvine)



摘要: G-equation is a well known simplified model in turbulent combustion to describe the flame propagation. It is a level set Hamilton-Jacobi equation. A significant project is to use this model to understand the dependence of the turbulent flame speed (effective burning velocity) on turbulence intensity. In this talk, I will present some old and recent analytic results related to this project. This is mainly based on joint works with Jack Xin.

报告人简介:Yifeng Yu,现任University of California at Irvine数学系副教授,2005年在University of California, Berkeley获得博士学位。2005-2008年在University of Texas at Austin做博士后。
