English 清华大学 旧版入口 人才招聘


Convexity theorems in symplectic geometry and integrable Hamiltonian systems

题目:Convexity theorems in symplectic geometry and integrable Hamiltonian systems

报告人:Nguyen TienZung教授(University of Toulouse)

时间:2017年5月18日 周四 上午9:30 – 10:30


摘要:In this talk I'll give a breif review of convexity theorems in symplecticgeometry(from Shur-Horn to Kostant to Atiyah-Guillemin-Sternberg, Kirwan and so onto group-valued momentum maps and proper quasi-symplecticgroupoids, andDelzantpolytopes and integrableHamitlonian systems. Then I'll show some recent results(joint work mainly with Tudor Ratiu, and also with Ch. Wacheux) on convexity ofintegrableHamiltonian systems in the presence of focus-focus singularities, andpresymplecticrealizations of irrational convex polytopes.
