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【系综合学术报告】2024年第49期 || Virasoro sysmmetries for homogeneous Drinfeld-Sokolov hierarchies & 对称群和Frobenius流形

1) 报告题目:  Virasoro sysmmetries for homogeneous Drinfeld-Sokolov hierarchies



报告人:吴朝中教授 (中山大学)

报告摘要: Given an arbitrary simple Lie algebra and its regular semisimple element, we construct a series of Virasoro symmetries for the homogeneous Drinfeld-Sokolov hierarchy. Moreover, whenever the simple Lie algebra is of ADE type, we prove that the Virasoro symmetries can be represented as linear actions on the tau function of the hierarchy. This work is collaborated with Daniele Valeri.

2)报告题目: 对称群和Frobenius流形



报告人:左达峰教授 (中国科学技术大学)

报告摘要: We will talk about some Frobenius structures related to  symmetric groups.

邀请人: 张友金